Friday, September 23, 2011

Bits about me

Introduction about myself would be a good start, I guess.

I am from a Chinese family in Thailand and grew up with lots of noises and screams along with two siblings. In comparison to the rest of the family, I have been the most nerdy person in my family and decided to came alone to study high school in Melbourne, Australia while knowing very little English back then. Since then almost a decade has passed, my education still continue and it won't be long until I become a veterinarian, in spite of parental disagreement and their will for me to succeed the family business.

The fact that I am gay did not register properly into my head until early 2010. Although I knew there is something different in me for a long time, I grew up believing it was just a phase or a teenage-thing while suppressing it deep.  After coming to term with my sexuality, I have come out to close friends and still working on it.

Because of my intense study-load, my gay and social life have been somewhat lacking. Sleepless nights, long study hours and overdosing of caffeine. One thing my friends and I often joke about is that perhaps we should do some intravenous injections of caffeine ourselves rather than drinking coffee to keep us awake (fortunately we are not that desperate yet).

Career-wise, I have a keen interest in veterinary pathology and I hope to be able to call myself a veterinary pathologist someday. Hence, the profile name GVP and blog name Gay Vet Pathologist.

Unless I am stuck to my desk or running around the country for my clinical placements, time is spent with my mates doing intense activities, like marathon training and surfing, or having gourmand moments, hunting decent caffeine outlets and dining out. So you can expect me blogging about my foodie habits, especially about coffee.

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