Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Food and my coming out

One thing I really enjoy is cooking. What could be better than putting classical music on and humming around in the kitchen, while making some yummy munchies, especially on a lazy Sunday. I can't appear more like a domesticated househusband with an apron and cake whisk, lol.

Jamie mentioned on one of his shows about how good food brings people together. It is about sharing the love and joy. I couldn't agree more when I heard him. Watch his show sometimes reminds of my first ever coming out. The drama unfolded on one Friday night when we had a vet student BBQ chill-out. We were drinking and enjoying the night. Then two of my female friends pried me away from the crowd, then they blurbed out an unexpected question.

One bite of the ice cream would have prepared me better :D

Friend B: Anyway, we have something to ask you.....
Friend A: Are you gay?

I was caught off guard, and mumbled awkwardly while they were eager for an answer.

Me: Mmmm...Ummm... I... I'm not sure, but think I'm bi.
Friend A: Aha! That makes a lot of sense now.
Friend B: Right, I knew it. That explains all why you're so good at cooking and fashion.
Friend A: Also you are like our talkable version of Melbourne food guide book. Hey, that means you can let your gay side go wild, and cook more. I'm expecting more good food from you from now on, and more cocktail parties at yours.
Friend A & B: We are getting you drunk tonight!
Me: Oh, right, ok...

Their responses left me speechless. It went too well. I guess if they don't accept my sexuality, they won't get to taste my cooking anymore, haha. Anyway, they then proceeded to drown me with alchohol, and I had no recollection of how I got home the next morning. Later on, I told them that I'm definitely gay once I have gained more confidence.


  1. at least they are comfortable around you! good going there! I'll bet if I'd blurt it out things change 180 degrees around here.

  2. @Tempus
    I believe it would not be very different if I blurt it out to my peep back in Thailand.

  3. Sounds like they'd be solidly behind you if you even came out as fully gay! :)

  4. @savante
    So far all my classmates are very supportive, and most girls are a big fag hag. They keep mentioning how two guys making is so cute, and now they start nudging to bring my boyfriend to a vet social function :P
