Thursday, October 6, 2011

Human vs veterinary pathology

The topics of conversations, that my medico friend, P and I talk about, can be quite taboo in the ears of general public. The topic may involve saying vagina and penis out load, as we talk about reproductive medicine. Other includes how to open the skull, amputate a limb etc, and cases that we have. During one of our Sunday cuppa ritual, we ended up talking about two distraught cases she just had.

NOTE: This synopsis may be very distressing since it mentions an abused baby and body parts after an automobile accident.

GVP: Guess what, I got accepted as an extern in veterinary pathology to a few uni in US and UK !
P: Awesome, I know you love path, and for sure you're gonna enjoy it. The subject is quite interesting, but sometimes the pracs and work can be very depressing for us, as a lot of human pathology cases is related to forensic.
GVP: Hmm, like what?
P: Err, human pathologists deals with too many murders and accidents. I tell you about a case that we had the other day in our tute. There was a baby came through with oedema and congestion (basically, the head looks swollen and purple-red) from the neck upwards, and there were two faint lines around the neck. We were asked what is the cause of death, and no one got it right despite being told that it was very obvious. The tutor told us that the an electric cord fits rather too well with the lines on the neck, and make the exact impression if you try wrapping one around your neck, in which she/he demonstrated so. At this point, there was an ominious cloud floating in the room, and you could tell what everyone was like what the F!@#$~~~~~~!

P: Then, a  few people started hyperventilating (breathing fast) and you could tell people were having tears in their eyes, and my eyes were watery.

Then she told me about a gruesome case of a car accident. In essence, the body came in several pieces, and the forensic officers had difficulties collecting all the parts at the scene: brain materials, eyes, visceral organs here and there. I had an impression that the body trunk got crushed like a garlic in a press. The impact was so sever that the garlic was sent flying and splattered - also not to mention obvious mutilple opened bone fractures (fractures with bones poking out of the skin for us to see)
Lesson learnt, especially to male audiences out there: stick to the speed limit, drive slower won't kill yah!

At the end, we both usually thought that we're not desentisied about this sort of things in general, but that whole thing was just sickening. There is too many funny people on this world.

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